Diapers in Times of Disaster

Diapers may not be the first thing people think of when a disaster strikes. But amid fires, hurricanes, floods and other catastrophes, babies continue to have essential needs—and meeting them becomes even more challenging, especially for families already struggling to obtain the basics required to care for their children well.

It’s in times like these that the diapers and other baby-care basics provided through Hope Supply Co. (HSC) are an especially vital lifeline for families. “With the effects of climate change becoming a disturbing and frequent reality, HSC has assisted in cases of tornadoes, floods and fires,” says Barbara Johnson, CEO. “All of these disasters tend to have the most difficult impact on those who already struggle in normal times. HSC stands ready to assist in disasters as an add-on to our work of assisting with basic needs all year round.”

Hope Supply is able to be prepared to help in times of especially great need thanks to the generous donors who give in every season, enabling HSC to remain fully stocked and able to start serving right away. A full warehouse makes it possible to provide help without delay, coming alongside families who have lost much and been cut off from essentials.

Every diaper matters to these families, and thanks to HSC’s bulk purchasing power, the funds we receive go much further, multiplying the impact of each gift. During a crisis, we’re especially grateful for the ability to stretch donors’ dollars and respond to increased needs.

In addition to our deep gratitude to the many who give, Hope Supply Co. is thankful for its partnership with other organizations ready and committed to serving in their communities and beyond. “Nonprofits can and must work together to support each other in times of need,” Barbara explains. “Hope Supply Co. is lucky to be part of a network of nonprofits looking out for each other.”

She’s seen the power of this partnership firsthand: “When Hurricane Harvey hit a few years ago and Dallas was inundated with disaster refugees, the demand for our services spiked beyond our ability to respond. Our longtime partner, Baby2Baby in Los Angeles, used their leverage to put out a call for critical items for us via an Amazon wish list. We were overwhelmed with the public response as a result of their call to action. It enabled us to respond robustly to the crisis. For me, this was a true moment of clarity that working together can move the needle toward a greater good.”

This pursuit of greater good is why HSC seeks to be continually ready, with abundant supplies on hand. When this help is especially needed, whether in the Dallas area or in the places where our partners serve, we’re together able to ease the impact of disasters for the youngest members of our communities.