Bethany, Cole, and Tyler Street Church members
As Bethany awaited the arrival of her baby, she worried about how she’d be able to afford essentials like diapers and clothing. Finances were already tight for her and her husband, and the pregnancy had come as a surprise. “I was never supposed to be able to get pregnant because I have several health issues,” Bethany shares. “It was a lot of trying to figure out, “How can we budget everything so that way the baby has at least what he needs?’”
It's a common concern among new moms: One in two families struggles to obtain diapers. But through the Hope Supply Co. (HSC) Pantry Partner program, mothers like Bethany and babies like her son, Cole, have access to essentials that help the youngest members of our Dallas community stay dry and healthy.
Through this program, advocates such as case workers and social workers can request diapers on behalf of their clients. These advocates work for organizations including CASA, Texas Muslim Women's Foundation, the Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Program in the Dallas Independent School District and Tyler Street Church, through which Betheny received help.
Judy, who works for Tyler Street, submitted a diaper request for Bethany. But the church wasn’t just planning to pass on needed supplies: They were organizing a baby shower using items donated through Hope Supply Co.
When Bethany arrived to pick up diapers, she was surprised by a celebration in honor of her new arrival. “The baby shower that we had there was great,” Bethany recalls. “The clothes were adorable, and the diapers are very helpful.”
Going forward, Judy can continue to request diapers from HSC on Bethany’s behalf, and on behalf of others in the community—a big help to families trying to care for their children well when times are tight. “Even a small pack of diapers is almost $20. A lot of people might think that's not much, but when you go through them constantly, it's hard,” Bethany explains. “It's really a godsend to be able to have those necessities, to be able to get them without feeling any kind of judgment.”
She continues, “People in my situation, we are trying. … I am not able to go back to work because the pregnancy has demolished a lot of parts of my body, so now all the financial [burden] is weighing on my husband. So, it's a lot, especially from the mom's side because we want to be able to help support our family, but sometimes we can't. It's not possible,” Bethany says. “Just being able to get additional help is a blessing.”
Providing diapers and other essentials through the Pantry Partner program isn’t just about meeting babies’ needs, however. It’s a way to support mothers and empower them to focus on caring for their families. For Bethany, it’s provided extra space for her to navigate new motherhood and connected her with people who come alongside her with advice and support. “My mom passed away two years ago, so I am trying to do this all without being able to ask my mom,” she shares. She’s grateful she can talk to women at Tyler Street about tips on things like colic and helping a fussy little one go to sleep.
This assistance, in the form of essentials and guidance, helps Bethany give her time and attention to getting Cole on a schedule, playing with him and making sure he’s happy and healthy. As she shares, “Having help with advice with some things to do, especially for first-time moms, and also just being able to get the necessities that he needs helps take off a big burden.”