Regena and Rudy Taylor with Community Food Bank display diapers ready for at-risk families thanks to Hope Supply Co.
We are only as good as our partners,” reflected a board member of Hope Supply Co. And truly, whether your favorite adage is “no man is an island” or “it takes a village” or “teamwork is dreamwork,” we all know that working together for a common cause is critical in achieving lasting results. That’s why, from the very beginning, Hope Supply Co. knew what role they should fill in addressing the essential needs of at-risk and homeless families.
According to Lynnette Snow, inventory manager for Hope Supply Co., “We see ourselves as one vital part in the process of providing healthy care to infants and toddlers who would otherwise go without diapers, wipes, formula and other products. Our role is to engage donors and suppliers so we can provide those essential items. Our distribution partners, in turn, make sure qualified families receive those goods. Together — donors, Hope Supply Co. and partners — address these critical needs.”
“We supply diapers to agencies that have direct interaction with families struggling in poverty, clinging to their last threads of hope,” says Barbara Johnson, CEO of Hope Supply Co. “There are over 50 diverse agencies we assist as they connect with families facing homelessness, unplanned pregnancies, domestic violence, abject poverty, severe mental health challenges or a host of other seemingly insurmountable obstacles,” she explains. By engaging donors and suppliers, Hope Supply Co. is able to procure diapers, wipes, formula and other items essential for baby health. “As we supply these items to partner agencies, we are able to meet the most basic needs of the most needy among us,” Barbara says.
Through this network of distribution partners, last year Hope Supply Co. ensured that over 3 million diapers reached more than 40,000 vulnerable babies and toddlers. These distribution partners touch the lives of families with diverse and critical needs.
“We have our hands full just providing food essentials to families who come to us. I don’t have the funds or time to raise the funds to also give out diapers and related items,” says Regena Taylor, executive director for Community Food Bank of Fort Worth. “That’s why we rely on Hope Supply Co. They are by far our best partners in caring for young families.” Before Hope Supply Company’s partnership, she was able to get a few cases of “scratch and dent” boxes of diapers from time to time from local merchants, but never enough to meet the need. And how the need has grown over the years! Each month in 2022 Hope Supply Co. provided 10,000 diapers to Community Food Bank. This year that number has doubled.
Although it would seem the food bank’s primary service is about nutrition, it is, in fact, about making sure the poorest in the area have the opportunity to sustain healthy lives for themselves and their families. “We have a lot of grandmothers and great-grandmothers raising babies. For them, having ready access to diapers is just as critical as having daily food,” Regena explains. Community Food Bank’s partnership with Hope Supply Co. makes it possible to holistically serve their community.
Brandon Dawson Sr., children's advocacy coordinator for Mosaic Family Services, sees yet another way access to diapers is critical for families. Mosaic is “a safe haven for survivors of human rights abuses, including human trafficking and domestic violence.” Most of the women they serve literally arrive with only the clothes on their backs. Those who show up with small children in their arms may carry one baby blanket, but no diapers, wipes, formula or other basic supplies to care for their children. “They have so many other concerns, and we try to address as many as possible for as long as it takes, which is typically anywhere from a few months to two years,” Brandon explains. “Because of our partnership with Hope Supply Co., we are able to lift the financial burden of diaper-buying from these women.”
“I often say to our partners, ‘Your mission is our mission,’” Barbara comments. “When Hope Supply Co. provides a pallet of diapers, they are able to continue counseling abused children or help victims of domestic violence,” she explains. “As women go through drug rehab or learn English or study for their GED, they can be focused on what will help them be productive and not be anxious about the most basic product needs for their children. Whatever our partner’s mission is, Hope Supply Co. and our donors are helping them to accomplish it. So, we are not just handing out diapers. Through our distribution partners we are clearing the way to help families thrive.”
Your support for Hope Supply Co. helps get diapers to right where they belong! Give Today.