Diaper waste has been a problem since well before Hope Supply Co. was founded in 1989, and it will continue to be a pressing matter in the future as babies continue to be born and need diapers. It’s a big issue that no one organization or program can address alone. But at Hope Supply Co., we’re proud to be taking steps toward a more sustainable world that future generations can enjoy.
The World Economic Forum reports that every minute, more than 300,000 disposable diapers around the world are incinerated, sent to landfills or otherwise pollute the environment. These diapers take hundreds of years to decompose, making diaper waste an even more significant problem for the generations to come.
That’s why every step matters, and why Hope Supply Co.’s Green Baby initiative exists. By helping families use cloth diapers and reducing the amount of time their children need diapers, we’re enabling families to take small actions that together build a better tomorrow for their children.
Cloth Diaper Program
Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers can be reused multiple times, which significantly cuts back on waste generation. For many families, especially those who rely on child care services, using these more eco-friendly alternatives all of the time isn’t an option. But replacing some disposable diapers with reusable cloth versions can still make a significant impact on sustainability.
Over the course of a year, replacing just three disposable diapers with cloth ones on a daily basis prevents 383 pounds of waste (1,095 diapers) from ending up in landfills. And it saves families an average of $450.
Hope Supply Co. promotes a hybrid model, encouraging parents to use cloth diapers at home while taking advantage of the convenience of disposable diapers in situations when washing cloth diapers isn’t feasible. This gives them flexibility while equipping them to make environmentally conscious choices.
Through its cloth diaper program, Hope Supply Co. hosts classes for clients that teach parents how to use this planet-friendly option. Each participant receives a starter pack of cloth diapers so they can start using them with their child right away.
Potty Training Program
In addition to encouraging the use of cloth diapers, Hope Supply Co. seeks to cut back on diaper waste by helping to reduce the amount of time that a child needs diapers. In over half of the world, children are toilet trained by their first birthday. But in the United States, potty training typically takes place much later—on average between their second and third birthdays.
Teaching a child to use the toilet earlier can have a significant impact both on the amount of waste a family produces and on their budget. For each year that a child is potty trained, a family eliminates an average of 890 pounds of waste (2,550 diapers) and saves over a thousand dollars.
To help families experience these benefits, Hope Supply Co. promotes early potty training to its diaper pantry clients and offers tools to help them begin the process and approach it with patience, positivity and consistency. First, a questionnaire helps parents determine if their child is ready to start toilet training. Then, when a child shows signs of readiness, we invite the parents to participate in our potty training program.
Through this program, families receive a potty training seat and potty chart with stickers, as well as “Your Family’s Guide to Potty Training” (a bilingual pamphlet that walks them through the process) and a fun children’s book about using the potty.
“Diaper waste is a huge issue, but every small step makes a difference,” says Barbara Johnson, CEO of Hope Supply Co. “By helping families use more environmentally friendly alternatives and potty train their children sooner, we’re empowering them to be part of building a more sustainable future.”