The focus is on moms, especially those in underserved communities who struggle with chronic hypertension and diabetes and do not have easy access to postpartum care. But where moms are, babies are, which makes the partnership between the program extending Maternal Care after Pregnancy (eMCAP) and Hope Supply Company (HSC) a win-win endeavor.
eMCAP is a community-based program jointly operated by UT Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Health. According to Tocovia Ingram, RN, a nurse home visitor with eMCAP, “We were created to help address the disparity between the black and brown moms, especially in our southern [Dallas] zip codes, to decrease the amount of deaths and then also to give attention to health problems that were occurring within that first year after delivery.” Having a mobile unit meet moms where they live has allowed the program to reach many who would otherwise be overlooked.
Tocovia explains, “For many of these moms, pregnancy is the only time they really will go to the doctor in any kind of routine fashion. And then they may not go back due to either transportation, child care or just general lack of education. Our program has really been to enlighten moms on the importance of follow-up care, especially in that first year after, because so many things can go wrong with your body trying to return to its normal state or any other kind of disease processes that may have arisen during your pregnancy.”
From the initial planning for the eMCAP program, organizers knew that families would need broader care and have more expansive needs than eMCAP would be able to address. “We always knew that a network of partners would be needed to address the wide range of concerns facing these moms,” Tocovia states.
Hope Supply Company was pleased to become a part of that network three years ago. "It is so important to make sure both baby and mom are supported, so knowing eMCAP works to make that happen from delivery through a full year makes it a program that we've been excited to supply with diapers, wipes and hygiene kits,” says Laura Montalvo, program manager for HSC.
By addressing needs of babies, Hope Supply Company actually paves the way for mothers to access care for themselves. “Having their baby’s basic needs taken care of has an inverse relationship with compliance with their medical needs as a mom,” says Courtney Johnson, NP, advance practice provider with eMCAP. “We know mom is going to take care of everybody except for herself.” But, Courtney explains, once the primary needs of the mom’s family are addressed, the mom is much more likely to fill prescriptions and come to appointments for herself. “It’s as though they are thinking, ‘Okay, I got the basic needs of my family taken care of, and now I can take care of myself medically.’”
Since 2020, eMCAP has served more than 3,000 mothers in southern Dallas, and through the partnership, HSC has provided more than 250,000 diapers, which demonstrates the success of such an alliance.
“Partnerships like this one with eMCAP are critical to reaching at-risk babies so we can provide the just-in-time help mothers need for their young children,” says Barbara Johnson, CEO of Hope Supply Company. “We supply our 50 partner agencies with diapers, wipes, formula, clothes and other necessary materials that help families care for their babies. We are pleased to serve alongside each one in caring for the underserved in our communities,” she explains. Laura confirms, “I love seeing all of those purple eMCAP bags all lined up in our warehouse, each one ensured to go to a mom and her newborn in need."